Monday November 30th, 2009 Newsletter
Student Information Center (SIC)
Newsletter Issue 136 - Monday November 30th, 2009
--Iranian-style protests, Thursday evening, go to parks and around in the city with family.
--Accompanying mothers of the green movement victims in Laleh Park – every Saturday afternoon.
--Chanting on the roof tops the night of Dec 6th (Azar 15th).
--Spreading news about Dec 7 (Azar 16th) demonstrations on the anniversary of Student Day in private and public universities across the country; inviting people and students to attend these ceremonies in universities.
--Radio Farda: Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, an influential cleric, and a senior reformist religious leader spoke on Saturday on the occasion of Eid. He condemned the recent violence committed by the security forces and some Basij forces against the people of Iran. He added that "The philosophy behind Basij was that they were mobilized in the path of God, and not the path of the Devil". He stated that all who received any kind of damage following the recent events should be compensated and those who were arrested should be released. . He also criticized the Supreme leaders' encouraging reaction to the violence committed by the Basij.
--Radio Farda: Akbar Ganji, a prominent Iranian journalist, stated that intensified international economic sanctions against Iran would work against the democratic movement and would have no effect on the current regime. Mr. Ganji's speech gave his speech on Monday in Berlin at the Heinrich Böll Foundation. He added that similar sanctions against Iraq and Libya had no effects on their government and as a result, only children and the elderly suffered.
--Radio Farda: Iranian Students News Agency, ISNA, reported Fayaz Zahed, a journalist with the hundred million toman bail was released. The former member of the editorial council of the Etemad Melli newspaper Focus was detained since August. Mr. Zahid who is also the University Professor of History, was arrested more than two months ago after leaving court for hearing on charges of "acting against national security and participation in illegal gatherings".
--Radio Farda: American publication "Foreign Policy" has published its list of 2009's top 100 thinkers. Zahra Rahnavard (wife of Mr. Mousavi), was ranked in third place. First place went to Ben Bernanke (American Central Bank) and President Barack Obama came in second. The reason for Mrs. Rahnavard's selection was her involvement in the Green Movement from behind the scenes. Additionally, Mr. Abdolkarim Soroush, the Iranian dissident philosopher was also among the top 100 at rank 45.
--Reuters: Brigadier General Hossein Hamadani, the IRGC commander stated that the 12 imposters who wore Basij uniforms and caused trouble after the elections unrest, have been arrested. He added that the cases of these individuals are under investigation and that they have had no previous connection with the Basij.
--The Green Road: The Commander of IRGC in Shiraz announced that this city saw the most amount unrest after Tehran. And he added that the unrest was subdued thanks to the Basij force.
News of the arrested, the missing and the deceased
--Radio Farda: The family Kianoosh Aassa, a 25 year-old student who was killed during the recent unrest, has written an open letter to the judicial and legislative body and has demanded "clear and honest" information regarding the circumstances around Kianoush's death. His mother and brother added that after searching for him for 9 days and nights in Tehran's detention centers, prisons and hospitals, they were finally presented with his body, where his mouth was filled with blood, resulting from gun shot wounds. His family was then permitted to bury him in a private ceremony, in the presence of governmental guards.
--Radio Farda: The Iranian Assembly has allocated $ 20 million to exposing human rights violations in America and Britain. This budget is also intended to go towards supporting opposition movement in said countries. This fund will also serve against conspiracies propagated by USA and Britain as well as confronting their oppression worldwide. This follows the recent announcement that the US senate has made a $ 50 million commitment to deal with censorship of news networks and networks dedicated to the Internet in Iran.
--Reuters: Hengameh Shahidi, a journalist and consultant to Mehdi Karroubi's campaign who was arrested shortly after the presidential elections has been sentenced to six years imprisonment. Her charges are "Acting against national security through propaganda activities against the holy Islamic Republic through interviews with anti-Islamic republic news source, the BBC ".
--Norooz: Behzad Nabavi high-ranking member of the Islamic Revolution Mojahedin Organization who was recently released from prison, addressed a small gathering of friends and described his experience of detention and interogation. Nabavi was arrested on 25th of June and he described some of the interrogation tactics aimed at weakening his position.
--SIC: A short video of hunger strike on Monday at University of Tehran in protest against continued detention of their classmate is attached to the newsletter. Also a short video of the gathering of mourning mothers on Saturday is attached to the newsletter.
--BBC: Based on recent events, it appears that Iran is placed in a difficult situation regarding the nuclear situation where recent negotiations have failed. The IEAE president stated that the recent investigation has reached a dead-end. This is in contrast to the optimistic atmosphere of 5 or 6 weeks ago. In addition to the current regime, the blow came from opposition leader Mr. Mousavi who believes that nuclear development is the right of the Iranian people. Essentially, the Iranian government is currently stuck between two bad situations. If it accepts the terms of foreigners, it will be accused of defeat by it's own country. And defiance to international pressure may lead to harsher sanctions. However, the current regime repeatedly claims that sanctions will not have a major effect on the economy. Many also note that the current economic situation is already so dire that further pressures may have unpredictable and dangerous outcomes. At the same time, it remains to be seen whether the Iranian regime will find a third option.
Recommendations and Warnings
--Accompanying mothers of the green movement victims in Laleh Park – every Saturday afternoon.
--Chanting on the roof tops the night of Dec 6th (Azar 15th).
--Spreading news about Dec 7 (Azar 16th) demonstrations on the anniversary of Student Day in private and public universities across the country; inviting people and students to attend these ceremonies in universities.
--Radio Farda: Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, an influential cleric, and a senior reformist religious leader spoke on Saturday on the occasion of Eid. He condemned the recent violence committed by the security forces and some Basij forces against the people of Iran. He added that "The philosophy behind Basij was that they were mobilized in the path of God, and not the path of the Devil". He stated that all who received any kind of damage following the recent events should be compensated and those who were arrested should be released. . He also criticized the Supreme leaders' encouraging reaction to the violence committed by the Basij.
--Radio Farda: Akbar Ganji, a prominent Iranian journalist, stated that intensified international economic sanctions against Iran would work against the democratic movement and would have no effect on the current regime. Mr. Ganji's speech gave his speech on Monday in Berlin at the Heinrich Böll Foundation. He added that similar sanctions against Iraq and Libya had no effects on their government and as a result, only children and the elderly suffered.
--Radio Farda: Iranian Students News Agency, ISNA, reported Fayaz Zahed, a journalist with the hundred million toman bail was released. The former member of the editorial council of the Etemad Melli newspaper Focus was detained since August. Mr. Zahid who is also the University Professor of History, was arrested more than two months ago after leaving court for hearing on charges of "acting against national security and participation in illegal gatherings".
--Radio Farda: American publication "Foreign Policy" has published its list of 2009's top 100 thinkers. Zahra Rahnavard (wife of Mr. Mousavi), was ranked in third place. First place went to Ben Bernanke (American Central Bank) and President Barack Obama came in second. The reason for Mrs. Rahnavard's selection was her involvement in the Green Movement from behind the scenes. Additionally, Mr. Abdolkarim Soroush, the Iranian dissident philosopher was also among the top 100 at rank 45.
--Reuters: Brigadier General Hossein Hamadani, the IRGC commander stated that the 12 imposters who wore Basij uniforms and caused trouble after the elections unrest, have been arrested. He added that the cases of these individuals are under investigation and that they have had no previous connection with the Basij.
--The Green Road: The Commander of IRGC in Shiraz announced that this city saw the most amount unrest after Tehran. And he added that the unrest was subdued thanks to the Basij force.
News of the arrested, the missing and the deceased
--Radio Farda: The family Kianoosh Aassa, a 25 year-old student who was killed during the recent unrest, has written an open letter to the judicial and legislative body and has demanded "clear and honest" information regarding the circumstances around Kianoush's death. His mother and brother added that after searching for him for 9 days and nights in Tehran's detention centers, prisons and hospitals, they were finally presented with his body, where his mouth was filled with blood, resulting from gun shot wounds. His family was then permitted to bury him in a private ceremony, in the presence of governmental guards.
--Radio Farda: The Iranian Assembly has allocated $ 20 million to exposing human rights violations in America and Britain. This budget is also intended to go towards supporting opposition movement in said countries. This fund will also serve against conspiracies propagated by USA and Britain as well as confronting their oppression worldwide. This follows the recent announcement that the US senate has made a $ 50 million commitment to deal with censorship of news networks and networks dedicated to the Internet in Iran.
--Reuters: Hengameh Shahidi, a journalist and consultant to Mehdi Karroubi's campaign who was arrested shortly after the presidential elections has been sentenced to six years imprisonment. Her charges are "Acting against national security through propaganda activities against the holy Islamic Republic through interviews with anti-Islamic republic news source, the BBC ".
--Norooz: Behzad Nabavi high-ranking member of the Islamic Revolution Mojahedin Organization who was recently released from prison, addressed a small gathering of friends and described his experience of detention and interogation. Nabavi was arrested on 25th of June and he described some of the interrogation tactics aimed at weakening his position.
--SIC: A short video of hunger strike on Monday at University of Tehran in protest against continued detention of their classmate is attached to the newsletter. Also a short video of the gathering of mourning mothers on Saturday is attached to the newsletter.
--BBC: Based on recent events, it appears that Iran is placed in a difficult situation regarding the nuclear situation where recent negotiations have failed. The IEAE president stated that the recent investigation has reached a dead-end. This is in contrast to the optimistic atmosphere of 5 or 6 weeks ago. In addition to the current regime, the blow came from opposition leader Mr. Mousavi who believes that nuclear development is the right of the Iranian people. Essentially, the Iranian government is currently stuck between two bad situations. If it accepts the terms of foreigners, it will be accused of defeat by it's own country. And defiance to international pressure may lead to harsher sanctions. However, the current regime repeatedly claims that sanctions will not have a major effect on the economy. Many also note that the current economic situation is already so dire that further pressures may have unpredictable and dangerous outcomes. At the same time, it remains to be seen whether the Iranian regime will find a third option.
Recommendations and Warnings
--A new anti-filtering strategy:
1- Visit, 2- register an account (sign up for a free email), 3- download free software (AOL 9.5), 4- sign into your account in AOL 9.5, 5- enjoy surfing high speed internet without filtering.
--Mohsen Sazegara described the following in his daily discussions:
First he commended the courage of women and mothers who were attacked by guards at their last rally on Saturday.
He then focused on the upcoming events of December 6th. He emphasized the importance of unison. He added that all sections of society should be invited to rally, these include ordinary people, students, even security forces and also leaders of the green movement. Regarding student activities he added that if students are prevented from gathering at their schools and Universities, they can go in the surrounding area, or even rally in their own neighborhood and write and spread slogans. He also confirmed that the failure of nuclear negotiations will probably lead to more severe sanctions against Iran. He added that the Holland government has proposed to recognize the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. Finally, he applauded Ayatolah Montazeri's speech which condemned the Basij.
First he commended the courage of women and mothers who were attacked by guards at their last rally on Saturday.
He then focused on the upcoming events of December 6th. He emphasized the importance of unison. He added that all sections of society should be invited to rally, these include ordinary people, students, even security forces and also leaders of the green movement. Regarding student activities he added that if students are prevented from gathering at their schools and Universities, they can go in the surrounding area, or even rally in their own neighborhood and write and spread slogans. He also confirmed that the failure of nuclear negotiations will probably lead to more severe sanctions against Iran. He added that the Holland government has proposed to recognize the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. Finally, he applauded Ayatolah Montazeri's speech which condemned the Basij.