Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday February 5th, 2010 Newsletter

Student Information Center (SIC)

Newsletter Issue 167 - Friday February 5th, 2010

--Preparation for 22nd of Bahman demonstration and the "ten-day civil residence".
--Holding the 40th day anniversary of the martyrs of Ashoura day, on 16th of Bahman, at the same time az Arba'een day.
--Efforts focused at increasing non-violent civil disobedience in the society.
--Allah o Akbar during the nights until 11th of February
--Writing slogans on the walls and bills
--Gathering in front of Evin prison every night at 8:00 pm to demand release of political prisoners
--Jaras/United4Iran: Iranians across the UK, US and other countries have planned solidarity events on the eve of 22Bahman (February 11). For a complete list of upcoming events visit

--Kalemeh: Yesterday a group of families of the post-election political prisoners had a meeting with Mehdi Karroubi, and discussed the latest situations regarding their imprisoned family member and the problems that the families have had. According to the Reporters Committee for Human Rights, these people talked with Mr. Karrubi: Saeed Mohammadi, the lawyer of "Mehrdad Rahimi", the deputy head of the citizenship rights committee of Mehdi Karroubi campaign and a member of human right reporters commitee; Two brothers of "Mehrdad Bozorg", a student of university of Tehran University; Marziyeh Golru, the sister of "Mahdieh Golru"; Nasim Chalaki, sister of "Peyman Chalaki" political activist; Shahrzad Kariman, mother of "Shiva Nazar-Ahari" civil and political activist, and a human rights reporters Committee member; brother of "Ehsan Dolatshah", a student Tehran University;and finally Sajjad Haeri, brother of "Sarrf Haeri". These people mentioned the pressures and tortures that their family member is being put through for fake confessions. Mehdi Karroubi condemned the illegal detentions of political activists in the months after the elections, and said such irrational attitudes toward political activists and the imprudence in managing the situation has surprised everyone, and that these unwise reactions in all aspects including foreign politics and economics are hurting the regime, and asked for logical management of the country. He said despite all the problems that he has faced, he will keep supporting the freedom of political prisoners and Full text of the report is attached to the newsletter.

--Kalemeh: Fortieth day ceremony of Ali Habibi Mousavi, Mir Hossein Mousavi nephew, and one of the martyrs of Ashura day in Tehran was held yesterday, 5pm. Security forces were reported to be present at the ceremony. Due to heavy rain, the participants left ceremony after a few minutes of pray, and continued the event at Mr. Habibi's house. In this event, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard, and a group of political and cultural figures were also present.

--Parlman News: A member of Imam fraction of parliament, gave report of a letter of protest written by Hassan Khomeini addressed to Ezzatollah Zarghami, after state TV's selective broadcast of the speech of the founder of the Islamic Revolution, ayatollah Khomeini.
--SIC: Reports published on social networks and green movement websites indicate that a group of people had gathered in Behesht-e Zahra cemetery today to mourn the fortieth day ceremony of Ashura martyrs. These reports say several motorcycles, vans and police cars had stationed around sections No. 256 and 257 of this cemetery and that several police and security agents were present around sections No. 302 and 304. Two videos showing the intense security measures and the mourning of Amir Tajmir's mother, a martyr of Ashura clasesh in Tehran are attached to the newsletter.

--Green Voice of Freedom: National Youth Staff supporting Khatami and Mousavi (Setad-e 88) invited Iranians to attend 22nd of Bahman rally, to defend the Islamic Revolution ideals and to protest against the Coup. The statement is attached to the newsletter.

--Radio Farda: With 22nd of Bahman approaching, Zahra Rahnavard demanded unconditional release of the political prisoners. In this note, Ms. Rahnavard pointed to the right violations of women after the revolution, and asked the officials to release female political prisoners first. She reviewed women's problem in the past years and said "if we don't put issues like equality of blood money for men and women, elimination of polygamy, the need for ministry and management by women in priority right now, it's because bigger ideals have been neglected right now."

--Jaras/Int'l Campaign for Human Rights: Mourning Mothers, a group of wives and mothers who have lost their spouses or children during the post-elections protests or whose spouses or children are currently in prison, have issued a statement, objecting to executions of political protesters and execution sentences for several political prisoners, demanding revocation of death sentences for political prisoners. They have issued a warning to Islamic Republic of Iran: "Don't allow a repeat of the 1980's catastrophe." They are referencing mass executions of political dissidents in 1988 during which it is said thousands were executed in Islamic Republic prisons. Islamic Republic authorities have continually maintained silence on these executions. Mourning Mothers have also demanded release of "prisoners of conscience," and trials of "those who were responsible for and who ordered their children's murders." The statement adds: "We, the Mourning Mothers, who have gathered spontaneously at Laleh Park, other parks, and public buildings over the past seven months to condemn the murders and arrests and demanding an end to these inhumane and illegal actions, are facing our own children's executions today." "Who has subjected the mothers to this gradual death, mourning our loved ones?…Should our children's participation in elections lead to their arrest, torture, rape, murder, and execution?" According to Mourning Mothers, if such violence against Iranian youth continues, public protests will also increase.

--Deutsche Welle: European Union foreign policy representative issues a statement, to demand Iran to immediately stop the increasing trend of executions, specially execution that aim only to intimidate "anti-government protesters". According to German News Agency, Catherine Ashton, said in this statement " The union is against death sentence in any case, and asks Iran to stop this trend immediately. European Union hearby proclaims its deep concern."

--BBC News: Committee to Protect Journalists reported that at least 47 journalists are currently in prison, and with that information, since 1996 to now, the number of journalist prisoners in Iran is the highest among all other countries. According to the report, the journalist prisoners in Iran have passed those in Chine. This is while the report does not include the names of more than 50 other journalists who have been arrested and then released in the past few months.

--Radio Farda: Three large organizations of Journalists, Workers, and Human Rights activists held a joint meeting in Brussels, capital of Belgium, on Wednesday. In this meeting the three organizations asked the Europe and World leaders to put new pressure on the Islamic Republic, to make them respect human rights and freedom of expression. They also asked Iran government to stop intimidation of the human right defenders, and to release tens of writers, journalists, worker activists, and the opposition members. In the statement published by Journalists Organization, since the start of the protests against the government in June, "human right violations, which already existed in freedom of speech and freedom of expression of protest", has intensified. According to the general secretary of the journalist federation, "if Iran wants to end its isolation, it needs to open doors to dialog and criticism, and allow the protesters to speak."

--Radio Farda: AUT site, was hacked on Thursday by army of cyber (said to be directed by Iranian government, although never confirmed by the government). A week ago, Radio Zamaneh website was also hacked and put out of service for 4 days.

--Times:A British national has begged forgiveness from an Iranian revolutionary court after being put on trial in Tehran for subversive activities, Iranian websites reported yesterday. An unidentified woman, 24, the daughter of a British mother and Iranian father, has admitted some of the charges against her including encouraging and attending demonstrations, consorting with foreigners and drinking alcohol, government and opposition websites said. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has asked the Iranian Government for clarification of the reports, and that the woman be given consular assistance if true. That is unlikely to be granted, though, because Iran does not recognise dual nationality. The woman, who was born in Manchester but is believed to teach English in Tehran, is one of sixteen opposition supporters who went on trial late last week for allegedly plotting against the regime and conspiring with Iran's foreign enemies.

--JRS: Political prisoners in Evin prison, sent a message to people about the protesting gathering which is planned to be held in front of the prison on 22nd of Bahman. They have asked for people's participation in 22nd of Bahman rally, and they asked people to pay attention to Mir Hossein Mousavi's comments about the status of the judiciary system. Full text of the message is attached to the newsletter.

--JRS: Families of Freedom Movement members arrested after election sent a letter to leader of Islamic Republic, to ask for release of Mr. Ebrahim Yazdi. This letter, signed by family members of Bazargan, Basteh Negar, Tavassoli, Sahabi, Shariati, Sabaghian, Sadr Haj Seyed Javadi, Gharavi, Yazdi and other freedom Movement members, asks Mr. Ali khamenei, the leader to make steps for release of Ebrahim Yazdi and other political prisoners, so that the public trust is gained and the situation can be ready for public dialog.
--JRS: "Keyvan Mehregan", journalist arrested on 8th of Dey, is still in solitary confinement. In a phone call with his family, he said the charges are currently relationship with Freedom Movement, and his journalis activities.

--BBC News: Hassan Rasouli, the dupty executive officer of Baraab foundation, and Abolfazl Ghadyani, a member of Mojahedin organization were freed last night (Thursday 4th of February) They were arrested after Ashoura day.

--Committee of Human Rights Reporters: Golnaz Tavasoli, a Student of Azad University was arrested yesterday. Her family have no information about her location.

--Committee of Human Rights Reporters: The interrogation of Saeed Jalali-Far, Human Rights Committee member and a member of the Defense of the street children is finished and he is charged with propaganda activities. He is currently held in Evin prison in a cell with 3 or 4 prisoners, and he protests against his temporary arrest.

Mohsen Sazegara mentioned the following in his Friday video:

- He emphasized the attendance in 22nd of Bahman, and the rally in front of Evin in the afternoon of the same day, and said that it is possible that 22nd of Bahman can be the final blow to the government, because the leaders of the green movement are strongly standing, people do not fear anything, and the unity is more strong than ever.
- He said people in small towns can come to Tehran, to avoid being identified, but if they can't, they can go to larger cities in which specific places are designated for rally, and in this case, the distribution of security forces around the country will reduce the pressure on Tehran.
-He mentioned the protests in Laar city which continues after four days.
- 90 of Lebanese scientists and intellectuals have supported the green movement.
- 110 Iranian faculty have protested against a Chinese news article in which the green movement was said to be directed by foreign governments.
- Mothers of the post-election victims asked public to attend 22nd of Bahman rally.
- 17 fractions of the Reformist Front also asked people to attend 22nd of Bahman rally.
- Khamenei's picture on Tohid tunnel was set to fire by some protesters.
- In Berlin, the protesters didn't let the government to hold celebration for the revolution anniversary, and the Iranians in other cities like New York are also planning to do the same.

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